There was huge interest but as we had five computers we limited it to ten kids for each session. We had two sessions one immediately after the other so twenty kids attended altogether.

Chris demonstrated taking apart a computer and explained the function of each component. Then the ninjas paired up and started to take apart the computers. There was amazingly different reactions to the task, some kids used military precision, taking note of exactly what they were doing so they could put the parts back again correctly. Some were almost scared to start unscrewing things, and others just dived in and worried about how they were going to put it back together again later. Some of the kids told me of their plans to build their own pcs and others are hoping to troubleshoot their own computers at home. Chris, Ray and I helped out if they needed advice, but the ninjas were quite capable. All the computers worked again when they were put back together. For the second demonstration, Aran and Seán who attended the first session, stayed back to mentor the second group.
All in all it was a great success, the kids seemed to enjoy it and feedback was good afterward. We will be running it again next week as there were ninjas who wanted to do it but didn't get a chance yet.
Here is a link to the hardware autopsy handout.
Laura Kenny