
We have a great group of volunteer mentors from Gorey & the greater North Wexford environs. We are always looking for more especially as we grow the Dojo to meet local demand.
Ultimately we want mentors whom will 
  1. inspire kids with technology and coding
  2. volunteer your time & skills

We are currently looking for technically able mentors for
  • Scratch
  • Python
  • Html
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Minecraft
  • Raspberry Pi
Also seeking some help with the following groups and what to offer them:
  • tablets
  • ipads
  • 6-7 year olds
All mentors volunteer their time and are Garda vetted.
The learning is child/youth centered/led at the Coderdojo Gorey and therefore this list is subject to change.

Do you have skills? are you interested to join in? Can you volunteer on a Saturday afternoon, 1.30 - 3.30pm? Yes? we'd be delighted to hear from you! The current contact for mentors is Roisin Markham. Please email coderdojogorey [at] gmail [dot] com with mentor in the subject line. 

If we can get enough mentors we will run a panel so that people can volunteer on a rotation basis.

If you need any more convincing -
Research has shown that volunteering can benefit one's mental health. Volunteering, as an outward-looking activity, enables the volunteer to feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction – the sense that they are contributing to society, are significant, and that people notice and care about their existence.Volunteering can lead to:
  • Increased self esteem and confidence
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Reduced depression
  • Better social interaction, integration and support
and volunteering is good for your career!

Bray Coderdojo has interesting try it on Being a mentor reading, not a direct match but our mentors think it work a read.