"CoderDojo is a movement orientated around running free not-for-profit coding clubs at which young people learn how to code, develop websites, apps, programs, games and more.
Please remember Dojos are set up, run by and taught by volunteers!"

How do we sign up our children

Due to large volume of interest we may not be able to respond to all your enquiries with a personal message.

If your off-spring is interested in coding, computers, gaming, tech, online anything
  1. read & understand the rules of the club see in photo below
  2. have a look around this blog for more information
  3. email coderdojogorey@gmail.com expressing interest and stating ages
  4. you will be sent an email outlining information and how you can book tickets
  5. read the information and if anything is not clear please ask for clarity

coming shortly:

  • I'm a teenager do I have to bring a parent or adult?
  • My teenager would love this - what do you mean I have to go to?
  • what is child centered open learning