Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to upload Scratch projects to site.

Some wonderful scratch projects were created at the Spring Challenge day on Saturday last. It would be great to see some of these uploaded to and any other of your Scratch projects you'd like to upload. Here are the steps to upload them:

1) Create an account on Scratch here.

2) In Scratch, click on Share button.

3) Fill in your login details and tags. Please add tag 'coderdojo Gorey'. Click OK when done. 

4) Log in to the Scratch website and check out your project!

5) You can also download other projects that you like and view the code. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Challenge HTML 12+ Group

March 23rd is our Spring Challenge Coder Dojo Day. Each group is to be set a challenge and to showcase their work.

The challenge for the HTML 12+ Group is to design a Spring or Easter themed website. Get started before Saturday if you can.

It's as simple as that. Get creative and have fun!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

HTML & Python Resources

For the enthusiastic coders who want to keep working at home.


HTML Lessons for the Under 12 group

HTML lessons for the 12+ group:
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5


Follow the lessons on Learn Python the Hard Way


Text Editors
Sublime Text